Storing your critical data and disaster recovery solutions offsite is a crucial component when ensuring the success of your company, however hidden fees can rack up more expenses than your department is prepared for. Initially, off-site storage costs may seem affordable and possibly too good to be true until you get your first bill. Perpetual Storage, […]
Types of off-site data storage facilities: Who can I trust?
Question ”My organization has irreplaceable information on digital records or microfilm – what offsite record storage facility can I trust to properly protect this critical information from fires, earthquakes, floods, disgruntled employee sabotage, tornadoes and hurricanes, and all other natural disasters?” Answer There are so many options when it comes to offsite storage vendors and […]
Off-Site data storage can save you time, money, embarrassment and the risk of a lawsuit
Off-site data storage of backup and archival records with a maximum security facility like Perpetual Storage can help protect your company from an unwanted lawsuit, reputation damage and significant financial loss. What would be the cost to your organization in time, money and embarrassment to reconstruct data (provided it could be reconstructed) if one of the following […]
The world’s most secure off-site data storage and data center facilities
Here’s a summary of three of the world’s most secure off-site data storage facilities: Perpetual Storage, SmartBunker and Bahnhof Pionen.
A cost-effective solution to enterprise storage
From Tier 0 to 3, a stepped approach to data storage that includes tape archive in a safe, off-site facility is a cost-effective solution to enterprise-level data storage.