
What is cyber liability and how can one plan for it?

Cyber liability is “the risk posed by conducting business over the Internet, over other networks or using electronic storage technology. A “first party” cyber liability occurs when your own information is breached. A “third party” cyber liability occurs when customer or partner information your organization has promised to keep safe is breached.” The most devastating […]


Types of off-site data storage facilities: Who can I trust?

Question ”My organization has irreplaceable information on digital records or microfilm – what offsite record storage facility can I trust to properly protect this critical information from fires, earthquakes, floods, disgruntled employee sabotage, tornadoes and hurricanes, and all other natural disasters?” Answer There are so many options when it comes to offsite storage vendors and […]


Data Loss Horror Stories

In celebration of Halloween this week, we decided to share some Scary Data Loss Horror Stories. If you’ve heard of any better ones, please share with us. We will be adding additional stories throughout the week.   [call_to_action title=”” text=”Read more Data Loss Horror Stories in the post that inspired us!” button_text=”CLICK HERE” button_link=”” ][/call_to_action]