It used to be the “bad guys” were the ones with masks and a gun. Now it seems the “bad guys” are sitting at a desk with a computer in front of them and they are out to steal your irreplaceable information, not rob you of your watch and wallet.
In a CNN report, Mike McConnell, who served as Director of National Intelligence under President George W. Bush, said the following, “The Chinese have penetrated every major corporation of any consequence in the United States and taken information. We’ve never, ever NOT found Chinese malware.” He said the malware lets Chinese spies extract information whenever they want.
If that wasn’t enough to scare all of us, now there is Ransomware. It is one of the fastest- growing forms of hacking, cyber security experts say. A recent Associated Press article said, “Anyone from a home computer user to a Fortune 500 company can be infected. It can also attack Smartphones.” A message appears on a computer screen saying the files are encrypted and the only way to access them is to pay a ransom. The article says, “Many small businesses and individuals are at risk because they lack technology teams and sophisticated software to protect them from hackers…”
Recently a major corporation was crypto lockered so badly that they had to have Brink’s trucks come into their facility with cash because they couldn’t issue checks. Is there no end to the threats out there?
A recent IDG News Services article pointed out that a hacker put a “‘full redundancy’ code-hosting firm out of business.” It furthers states, “It is not clear how the attacker managed to gain access to the company’s backups, ESPECIALLY SINCE THE (COMPANY) BOASTED BEFORE THE ATTACK THAT ITS HOSTING SERVICES HAD FULL REDUNDANCY, HIGH AVAILABILITY AND PERFORMED REAL-TIME BACKUPS TO MULTIPLE OFF-SITE LOCATIONS. The company had also claimed to have a full recovery plan that has been proven to work and is, in fact, practiced. Despite these assurances, it seems that a single security incident was enough to put the company out of business.”
Some of the “bad guys” are now starting to erase information when they hack into systems. These malicious attacks seem to not have an end in sight.
You mean even the “cloud” is not safe? Experian recently reported that in 2012 267 million records were breached and that “experiencing a breach may be inevitable.” It has only gotten worse since then. Anyone who listens or reads the news will read or hear almost daily about the loss of credit card information, social security numbers, private health information, etc. Isn’t there a way to keep this information from being discovered or destroyed?
Many security conscious companies and organizations are using the granite mountain vault owned byPerpetual Storage, Inc. to safely store a physical digital record such as computer tapes, hard drives, CD’s, optical disks and microfilm. Once these physical records are safely inside this mountain fortress they are out of the reach of hackers, viruses, fires, disgruntled employee sabotage, earthquakes, hardware, software, and line problems, etc. Digital records are stored in a solid granite mountain with a company that has been in business over 47 years! It is a proven method to properly protect irreplaceable information from the “bad guys” and other forces that could destroy critical data.
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