What are your plans to go PAPERLESS in 2023? Are any of these your goals? Secure, Remote Access to all of Your Files Simplify and Automate your Retrieval of HR, Payroll, Financial Records, Inbound/Outbound Mail, and Important Documents to Locate Easily Implementing a Safe and Compliant Document Management Software Solution Now is the time for a […]
Guest Post: Last Mile Communications: Ownership and Security with Lochbox
Last Mile Communications: Ownership and Security with Lochbox INTRODUCTION In 2017, the US Department of Homeland Security issued a security report (DHS, 2017, p. 53) strongly discouraging the use of provably-open mobile calls and SMS text messages while declaring the use of landlines as no more secure. Convenience and complacency are the two main factors […]
Guest Post: Air-Gapping and Why is it Essential
What is Air-Gapping, and Why is it Essential for Security Purposes? By Jerry Sanchez | Founder and Managing Partner of Framework Security One of the most important things to protect against cyber-attacks are disconnected networks. Those who work in IT security refer to these as “air-gaps”, meaning there are no network interface controllers connected […]
Guest Post: Train, Secure and Empower Employees
Drip7 is the New Way to Train By Heather Stratford | Founder and CEO of Drip7 Inc. The news is full of cybersecurity incidents that emphasize how prevalent attacks on businesses have become. According to Check Point Research, corporate networks had a 50 percent increase in cyber-attacks from 2020 to 2021 globally. The Log4J vulnerability […]
Guest Post: Take The Power Back From Hackers
How To Keep Control Of Your Data, And Avoid Becoming A Cybercrime Victim by Earl Foote – CEO/Founder | Nexus IT Consultants 2020 was a banner year for cybercriminals. The number of phishing emails and social engineering scams that use the COVID-19 pandemic as a topic represents the single largest thematic series of cybercrime attacks […]