Partner with the company that set the data protection standard for a new era.

Over 50 years ago, in 1968, PSI raised the standard for safe, smart, thoroughly innovative commercial protection of irreplaceable data. We chose the same construction company that three years earlier built the vaults for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) in the same granite mountain near Salt Lake City, protecting a vast collection of records vital to the church.
PSI’s world-class facility opened for business in 1968. On that day, we immediately raised the standard for safe, smart, thoroughly innovative commercial protection of irreplaceable data.
The PSI vault was built to exceed rigid Department of Defense (DOD) and American National Standard Institute (ANSI) requirements for the proper protection of vital records. What’s more, PSI is well outside the flood plain and liquefaction zone due to our unique geological location.
Meeting and, in many cases, exceeding rigid regulatory specifications has a substantial benefit for our clients. In doing so, PSI helps the organizations we serve to meet their compliance requirements with local and federal bodies.

Partner with the company that set the data protection standard for a new era.

Over 50 years ago, in 1968, PSI raised the standard for safe, smart, thoroughly innovative commercial protection of irreplaceable data. We chose the same construction company that three years earlier built the vaults for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) in the same granite mountain near Salt Lake City, protecting a vast collection of records vital to the church.
PSI’s world-class facility opened for business in 1968. On that day, we immediately raised the standard for safe, smart, thoroughly innovative commercial protection of irreplaceable data.
The PSI vault was built to exceed rigid Department of Defense (DOD) and American National Standard Institute (ANSI) requirements for the proper protection of vital records. What’s more, PSI is well outside the flood plain and liquefaction zone due to our unique geological location.
Meeting and, in many cases, exceeding rigid regulatory specifications has a substantial benefit for our clients. In doing so, PSI helps the organizations we serve to meet their compliance requirements with local and federal bodies.



  • 100% family-owned Utah Sub-S corporation


  • 51% Woman-owned
  • Certified with the Women’s Business Enterprise Network Council (WBENC)


  • Profitable
  • Debt-free


1967 Construction begins on the PSI vault
1968 PSI opens for business
2010 Seamless transition to the second generation of family ownership.
2012 GoBox added as a new PSI product
2013 Family GoBox added as a new PSI service
2014 PSI certified as a woman majority-owned small business
PSI DataVaulting service launched
2016 Additional DataVaults or dedicated vaults for interested clients
2017 Granite Cloud added as a new PSI service


Interested in scheduling a tour, learning more about our services and products, or have question? Contact us today.